Our Work

We enjoy working with an enormous variety of companies and organizations on a vast array of projects. Yes, this feeds our relentless curiosity and satisfies our intellectual thirst for knowledge, but the benefit is really to each and every one of our clients. Here at Brand Planet, we shoot for a 360-degree perspective so you get a complete picture of everything your brand can do for you.

From making sure “Every Drop Counts” in Africa to starting presidential initiatives in Central Asia; from the jumbotron in Times Square to national and international TV spots on (and sometimes for) the major networks; from branding and then designing every t-shirt, sign, truck, hat, pen and uniform for a small, but growing, fire and security company to helping build brand identities for local (but large!) non-profits that shape and serve our community; from naming shopping centers, companies and product suites to writing taglines, ads, and even jingles, our clients call us to create more. More business, more opportunity, more success.